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 Available Progams

SEPTSA strives to provide relevant parent and student activities for our membership.  Please contact us if you are interested in current programs or have suggestions for future ones.  SEPTSA needs volunteer help to create and manage programs, so contact us if you can help.
Parent Speaker Events


SEPTSA provides several membership meetings a year followed relevant speakers or panel discussions on relevant topics from a wide range of community organizations or district staff.  Our PTSA meetings are approximately 15 minutes in length and the speaker programs are approximately 1 hour.  We do not require membership to attend our meetings and speakers and generally do not charge a fee except for special events.  However, registering as a member and/or donations help ensure we can provide programs and events.  We try to host morning and evening meetings during the year to accommodate parent and student schedules.     

​Student Activities
SEPTSA provides student meetings and/or social events.  The following are some of our more frequent activities. 


We've hosted panel discussions for high school students transitioning to college and for middle school students transitioning to high school. The college panel consists of current college students who were WWP students with special needs accommodations.  The high school panel consists of students representing higher and lower grades, both schools and both genders.  We have also hosted improvisation workshops intended for middle and high school students to help build social skills. 


We've also host Lego Buddies events which are get-togethers for students generally ranging from Kindergarten through 5th grade to parallel play with Legos and other building kits.  These gatherings are usually held for 1-2 hours on a Saturday or Sunday usually during winter months.   We occasionally hold Lego robotics training for special needs students and can help parents learn about the First Lego League robotic kits and competitions.  


Student Recognitions

SEPTSA may offer offers two awards:  1) the WWP SEPTSA Achievement award, and 2) the WWP SEPTSA service award.  Both awards are funded by SEPTSA membership and fundraising dollars.  The Achievement award honors a high school age students graduating or transitioning from one of the District high schools or from an out of District placement and celebrates students who achieved their goals while persevering through with learning, physical and social challenges.  The Service award honors high school age students graduating or transitioning from one of the District high schools or from an out of District placement and celebrates students who supported SEPTSA's mission and activities.    

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